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About CompuGirls Hawai'i


CompuGirls Hawai'i aims to introduce Hawai'i students, grades 9-12, from populations traditionally underrepresented in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), to cybersecurity and information technology (IT) as a field of study and a viable career path. The program will work with industry leaders who are successful role models and establish meaningful engagement and mentorship opportunities for participants. CompuGirls Hawai'i will raise the profile of students as:

  • Future leaders in cybersecurity/IT
  • Preparing students to be college-ready with cybersecurity/IT as a potential major, and;
  • Successfully transform the future workforce of women leaders in cybersecurity/IT.

CompuGirls Hawai'i focuses on providing participants with the necessary training, experience, support and mentorship to ensure future success. This multi-year program includes:

  • Virtual learning opportunities
  • STEM exploration camps
  • Interacting with cyber leaders through video series
  • Job shadowing and mentorship opportunities, and;
  • Access to various STEM/cybersecurity related online courses via Arizona State University’s Prep Digital program, which offers educational opportunities related to cybersecurity/IT that may not be available at local high schools.

Participants will also explore the impact of cybersecurity/IT in the military, highlighting the current needs and presenting future career paths and opportunities. Students with military and non-military backgrounds are invited to participate in creating a unique learning opportunity for participants with diverse backgrounds and experiences to build relationships and learn from each other.

We have a strict non-discrimination policy, and all individuals are able to apply and participate in our programs and events without regard to race, sex, gender identification, sexual orientation, national origin, native language, religion, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, genetic information, pregnancy or any other characteristic protected by law.

CompuGirls Hawai'i is an affiliate of CompuGirls, a national program focused on increasing opportunities for adolescent students of color in the fields of science and technology, and a partnership with CyberHawaii and the University of Hawai'i. 


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Past Programming

CompuGirls Hawai'i Summer 2022

Learn, Lead, and Lunch: Visits to Cyber Hubs on Three Hawaiian Islands

CompuGirls Hawaiʻi offered localized experiences this summer for students interested in cybersecurity and computer science on three different islands. The Learn, Lead, and Lunch event invited students to visit cyber hubs on their own island to meet mana cyber wāhine (women cyber leaders) in computer science and information technology. 

On Maui, students visited the Maui High Performance Computing Center and the Maui Economic Development Board led by Tiare Martin and Dr. Robyn Garner. 

On Oʻahu, students visited the Information Technology Center and East-West Center (EWC) at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa and met with Jodi Ito (CISO of UHM), Suzy Vares-Lum (President of EWC), and Connie Lau (retired President of HEI). 

On Hawaiʻi Island, students visited the ʻImiloa Astronomy Center, and meet with Kaʻiu Kimura, executive director. 

A statewide CompuGirls Summit on July 8, 2022 brought together former and new CompuGirls from the various islands to engage in hands-on learning experiences with local young professionals from the cyber sector.

We have a strict non-discrimination policy, and all individuals are able to apply and participate in our programs and events without regard to race, sex, gender identification, sexual orientation, national origin, native language, religion, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, genetic information, pregnancy or any other characteristic protected by law.

Computer Programming 1A

In collaboration with ASU Prep Digital CompuGirls Hawai'i invited students to enroll in a course on Computer Programming 1A for the month of June 2021. The course was held completely online where students are completing the program at their own pace with CompuGirls staff is assisting with understanding, reviewing, and general questions about the content of the course weekly on Wednesdays throughout the month (five sessions total).

The course introduced 14 students to computer programming with a journey starting in careers and responsibilities in programming, traveling into data representation and execution, landing squarely in computer programming, and culminating in web programming. 

During the tutoring sessions, CompuGirls had the opportunities to interact with each other while being introduced to upcoming content and debriefing recently completed content. The participants were able to work individually, with a partner, and/or small groups to work on short assignments allowing them to apply their recently learned knowledge and skills, as well as engage with upcoming content through prior knowledge recall.

Spring Program

Hawaii students in grades 8-12 were invited to apply for the CompuGirls Hawaii Spring Camp 2021, a free virtual program aimed to introduce and educate Hawaii adolescent students underrepresented in STEM (Science, Technology, Education and Science) education to cybersecurity and information technology (IT). Students are participating in nine two-hour sessions on consecutive Saturdays from Feb. 20 – April 24, 2021 and have been provided with full access to the curriculum and activities. 

The Spring Camp includes the use of innovative technologies such as Gather.Town, a virtual space for students to interact more effectively online combining video-calling with a 2D map, and micro:bit, a pocket-sized computer that introduces how software and hardware work together. In addition, students are being introduced to cryptography: the practice of encrypting and decrypting data; the role of ciphers in cybersecurity: guessing the cipher key to reveal encrypted data; whether cracking ciphers is ethical; and much more.

Download the flyer

Fall Program

Hawaii students in grades 8 -12 were invited to apply for the CompuGirls Hawaii Fall Camp 2020, a free virtual program aimed to introduce and educate Hawaii inidivudals underrepresented in STEM (Science, Technology, Education and Science) education to cybersecurity and information technology (IT). Students are participating in six three-hour sessions on consecutive Saturdays that started October 17th, 2020.

The fall camp allowed students to hear and learn from current cyber leaders, explore the fields of cybersecurity and IT while exploring their communities' cybersecurity needs. The participants were able to explore and learn through interactive games and hands-on activities while developing the skills to prepare for a successful college degree program and career in the cybersecurity and IT fields. 

Thank you to our sponsors and partners