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March 23

9:00-10:00 HST | 12:00-1:00 MST | 3:00-2:00 EDT

Welcome address from Dr. Kimberly Scott and Dr. Brenda Jensen followed by our first keynote speaker Dr. Na'ilah Suad Nasir.

10:15-11:45am HST | 1:15-2:45pm MST | 4:15-5:45pm EDT

Speakers: Noelani Kalipi and Sam Dorios

Systems mapping is a tool used to better understand the social dynamics driving a complex issue so that we can find leverage points for sustained systems change. Last Fall we convened CompuGirls alumni, educators, funders, and participants in STEM fields to map out the dynamics enabling and inhibiting women of color from thriving in STEM fields. In this session, we will share the map in order to gather feedback for improving the map. This improved version will then be used to find leverage points and inform strategies for fostering positive systems change.

11:50-12:30pm HST | 2:50-3:30pm MST | 5:50-6:30pm EDT

The Law of Two Feet concept invites participants to take responsibility for what they care about most and are interested in discussing or learning about. Start a conversation, jump from session to session - engage and learn however is best for you. “Talk Story” is a casual open discussion style - no pressure. 

Really interested in a certain topic or question? Or are you interested in many things? Our Open Spaces are a great place to explore. 

With Open Spaces, participants can step into the HOST role by suggesting a topic or question to explore through this form. Someone else steps up to support as a NOTE TAKER. Then anyone else interested in listening to or contributing to the conversation can join as a PARTICIPANT; no need to sign up, just jump in! 

Don't want to be pinned down in one topic... interested in everything? Be a bumblebee or a butterfly. BUMBLEBEES move between discussions cross-pollinating and sharing resonance and connection between discussions. BUTTERFLIES float in and out as they please - listening, daydreaming, tuning-in, and flying out.

Hang out, join the discussion, stand up and move to a new space to engage or learn. Do whatever is best for YOU!

12:30-1:45pm HST | 3:30-4:45pm MST | 6:30-7:45pm EDT

Facilitator: Ji Mi Choi

Panelists: Dr. Brenda Wilkerson, Dr. Allison Scott, Dr. Fay Cobb Payton

In many sectors, women of color start ventures at far greater rates, however, they are funded at disproportionately lower rates. The Panelists in this session share their experiences and perspectives from the non-profit, for-profit, and federal funding sectors to share the history and challenges in funding that affect women of color. Most importantly, they will highlight the strategies, opportunities, and changes in approach that can transform the funding system to be equitable and inclusive and support the great ideas and initiatives coming from women of color.

2:00-3:30pm HST | 5:00-6:30pm MST | 8:00-9:30 EDT

Option A: For Funders - Language Use Assessment with Dr. Micheal Simeone

In this session, we'll examine funding request documents such as Requests for Proposals and Funding Opportunity Announcements from federal agencies in the United States.  Using text analysis tools, we will test our hunches and hypotheses about patterns in the documents that pertain to how agencies signal opportunities to underrepresented constituencies.  We will make observations on a large collection of documents. 

2:00-3:30pm HST | 5:00-6:30pm MST | 8:00-9:30 EDT

Option B: For Fund Seekers - Pitch Coaching Q&A with Dr. Brenda Wilkerson

Have a great idea or the ambition to be an entrepreneur? Join this interactive session to gain or improve your skills and knowledge on how to effectively develop and pitch your great ideas to funders and investors. This is an outstanding opportunity to get advice and coaching from Brenda Wilkerson, the CEO and President of 

Explore our beachfront High Fidelity Hang Out. We can’t all be in Hawai’i so we wanted to bring a small piece of Hawai’i to you!! For a more casual hang-out and networking option, come explore this cool new meeting technology. Stop by a table to have a discussion or hang out by the band to enjoy some Hawaiian music. Come in, check it out and wander around. Consider this our happy hour hang-out space to enjoy and network with fellow attendees!

March 24

9:00-10:15am HST | 12:00-1:15pm MST | 3:00-4:15 EDT

Facilitator: Noelani Kalipi

Panelists: Dr. Laurie Rousseau-Nepton, Dr. Ka'iu Kimuira, Ka'iulani Murphy

Navigating the transformation of STEM - connections between ancestral knowledge and technologies and today’s innovation.

10:30-11:45am HST | 1:30-2:45pm MST | 3:30-5:45pm EDT

Facilitator: Dr. Brenda Jensen

Panelists: Dr. Haunani Kane, Dr. Danika Kleiber, Alohi Nakachi

This session challenges the assumption of objectivity and explores underrepresented perspectives and sources of knowledge.  Examples of Hawai`i, place-based, and feminist approaches to climate and ocean knowledge will be presented. Participants are encouraged to engage in a discussion of strategies to create institutions that support diverse, value-driven science.

12:00-12:30pm HST | 3:00-3:30pm MST | 6:00-6:30pm EDT

The Law of Two Feet concept invites participants to take responsibility for what they care about most and are interested in discussing or learning about. Start a conversation, jump from session to session - engage and learn however is best for you. “Talk Story” is a casual open discussion style - no pressure. 

Really interested in a certain topic or question? Or are you interested in many things? Our Open Spaces are a great place to explore. 

With Open Spaces, participants can step into the HOST role by suggesting a topic or question to explore through this form. Someone else steps up to support as a NOTE TAKER. Then anyone else interested in listening to or contributing to the conversation can join as a PARTICIPANT; no need to sign up, just jump in! 

Don't want to be pinned down in one topic... interested in everything? Be a bumblebee or a butterfly. BUMBLEBEES move between discussions cross-pollinating and sharing resonance and connection between discussions. BUTTERFLIES float in and out as they please - listening, daydreaming, tuning-in, and flying out.

Hang out, join the discussion, stand up and move to a new space to engage or learn. Do whatever is best for YOU!

12:30-1:30pm HST | 3:30-4:30pm MST | 6:30-7:30pm EDT

Speaker: Dr. Nicol Turner-Lee

Understanding strategies and processes for creating public policy designed to enable equitable access to technology across the U.S. and to harness its power to create change in communities across the world.

2:00-3:00pm HST | 5:00-6:00pm MST | 8:00-9:00pm EDT

Strategies and Actions from Diverse Perspectives in Education

Facilitator: Dr. Kimberly Scott

Panelists: Dr. Catherine Riegle-Crumb, Dr. Toni Kaui, Mitzi Vilchis

This session brings together leading research, knowledge from a culturally responsive STEM educator, and experiences of a CompuGirls alumni turned educator to better understand the practical approaches to engaging girls of color in STEM and the research and expertise that inform these approaches.

3:10-4:45pm HST | 6:10-7:45 MST | 9:10-10:45pm EDT

Option A: Research-Informed Practices with Dr. Catherine Riegle-Crumb

This session will focus on developing and supporting the aspirations of girls of color towards STEM, including factors both inside and outside the classroom, and the roles of teachers and peers, as well as others.

3:10-4:45pm HST | 6:10-7:45 MST | 9:10-10:45pm EDT

Option B: Developing Culturally Responsive Computing Programs for Informal Learning Environments with Dr. Patricia Garcia

The target audiences for this session are educators and institutions who support girls of color in out-of-school STEM contexts. The session will highlight a researcher-practitioner partnership with public libraries to offer culturally responsive and low-cost computational thinking programs for girls of color, ages 13-17. We will draw on examples from the partnership to provide hands-on opportunities for brainstorming how asset-building, connectedness, and reflection can be incorporated into your out-of-school program and activities!

Explore our beachfront High Fidelity Hang Out. We can’t all be in Hawai’i so we wanted to bring a small piece of Hawai’i to you!! For a more casual hang-out and networking option, come explore this cool new meeting technology. Stop by a table to have a discussion or hang out by the band to enjoy some Hawaiian music. Come in, check it out and wander around. Consider this our happy hour hang-out space to enjoy and network with fellow attendees!

March 25

9:00-9:50am HST | 12:00-12:50pm MST | 3:00-3:50pm EDT

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Tarika Barrett

The Next Wave of Social Entrepreneurship: Closing the Gender Gap in Tech, Creating Equitable Environments and Sustaining Women in the Workforce

Description: Dr. Kimberly Scott interviews Dr. Tarika Barrett, the incoming CEO of Girls Who Code, to learn more about her plans to close the gender gap in tech, drive equity in the classroom and the boardroom, and help women persist in the tech workforce.

10:00-10:40am HST | 1:00-1:40pm MST | 4:00-4:40pm EDT

"I can do data for my people"

Native Students in Computer Science Give Back to Community

Speakers: Dr. Nuria Jamout-Pascual, Dr. Kathy DeerInWater, Dr. Mia Ong

In this session, we will share how our team’s study used photo-elicitation to learn about Native students’ experiences in computing undergraduate education. We will share that giving back is central to their identity as computer science students, as well as our recommendations to leverage this knowledge to support their persistence. Attendees will also experience photo-elicitation first-hand, which will demonstrate the power of images to tell stories.

10:45am-12:00pm HST | 1:45-3:00pm MST | 4:45-6:00pm EDT

Facilitator: Jan Boivin

Panelists: Joan C. Williams, Gregg Muragishi, Dr. Brittany Chambers

This conference and session seek to tackle systems change through adaptive (as opposed to technical) solutions.  When it comes to women of color in tech and other workforces, we have all beaten the problems to death.  We are shifting gears to the identification and mapping of real solutions to affect change.  This session convenes experts who can give us some context of the challenges, showcase possible interventions, and help this very talented audience to identify additional solutions that can be activated in their areas of influence.

12:00-12:30pm HST | 3:00-3:30pm MST | 6:00-6:30pm EDT

The Law of Two Feet concept invites participants to take responsibility for what they care about most and are interested in discussing or learning about. Start a conversation, jump from session to session - engage and learn however is best for you. “Talk Story” is a casual open discussion style - no pressure. 

Really interested in a certain topic or question? Or are you interested in many things? Our Open Spaces are a great place to explore. 

With Open Spaces, participants can step into the HOST role by suggesting a topic or question to explore through this form. Someone else steps up to support as a NOTE TAKER. Then anyone else interested in listening to or contributing to the conversation can join as a PARTICIPANT; no need to sign up, just jump in! 

Don't want to be pinned down in one topic... interested in everything? Be a bumblebee or a butterfly. BUMBLEBEES move between discussions cross-pollinating and sharing resonance and connection between discussions. BUTTERFLIES float in and out as they please - listening, daydreaming, tuning-in, and flying out.

Hang out, join the discussion, stand up and move to a new space to engage or learn. Do whatever is best for YOU!

12:30-2:00pm HST | 3:30-5:00pm MST | 6:30-8:00pm EDT

Option A: Thriving in Early Career with Rati Thanawala

Often, managers believe that they are “very supportive” of women of color, whereas the women of color view the same managers as “unfair” or “neutral at best”. Our interactive workshop is centered on stories from the lived experience of women of color, and the creative solutions to tough organizational dilemmas devised by “enlightened/supportive” managers. We will dialog on a key lever for transformational change – shifting the perspectives of first- and second-line managers on supporting the career advancement of women of color.

12:30-2:00pm HST | 3:30-5:00pm MST | 6:30-8:00pm EDT

Option B: Organizational Policy and Intervention with Gregg Muragishi

In this interactive session, participants will share their experiences and strategies to increase DEI in their organizations. We will then discuss the psychological messages that are embedded within those strategies and discuss new methods to intervene on those psychological messages to create stronger feelings of belonging and sense of fit.

2:00-2:20pm HST | 5:00-5:20pm MST | 8:00-8:20pm EDT

Speakers: Dr. Kimberly Scott and Dr. Brenda Jensen

In this final session, Conference collaborators Dr. Kimberly Scott and Dr. Brenda Jensen will share out key accomplishments and emerging opportunities from the conference and related activities.  Most importantly, this is a space for you to help design future activities, opportunities, and engagements.

As we plan the next steps in this Conference Collaboration, we want to know what is helpful and valuable to you in your work?  How can we continue to support each other and build an action-oriented coalition to truly transform the system? Please join us and share what you have to offer and ask for what you need.

Explore our beachfront High Fidelity Hang Out. We can’t all be in Hawai’i so we wanted to bring a small piece of Hawai’i to you!! For a more casual hang-out and networking option, come explore this cool new meeting technology. Stop by a table to have a discussion or hang out by the band to enjoy some Hawaiian music. Come in, check it out and wander around. Consider this our happy hour hang-out space to enjoy and network with fellow attendees!