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About the Digital Collection

The open-access movement is transforming the traditional model of scholarly publishing and challenging established norms for the access, sharing, and re-purposing of knowledge. The CGEST Digital Collection is hosted through the ASU Library on its new platform KEEP, is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes digital material. Repositories are important tools for preserving an organization's legacy; they facilitate digital preservation and scholarly communication. 

This collection has been established to ensure our collective body of work is accessible and available for others to critique, replicate, and use for their academic or community programs that address the STEM pipeline as well as policy, practice, and scholarship related to the real lived experiences of women and girls of color.


Importance of Open Access:

Open access is rooted in the ethical principle of information being unchained, supporting the belief that knowledge is an inalienable human right guaranteed to all. Open access seeks to eliminate or reduce the barriers of cost and copyright that restric access to information and the knowledge it confers. In 2013, a White House memorandum to federal agencies noted scientific research "catalyzes innovative breakthroughs that drive our economy" and lauded the value of open access to research to spur "understanding and exploit discovery." Learn more about Why Open Matters.

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Some Girl STEM Facts

Black, women earn just 8.7% of Bachelor’s Degree in STEM fields 

There has been a 9.6% decrease of African American women earning a master's degree between 2013-2016

Less than 9% of Master's degrees in STEM are held by Latin Women.

American Indian and Alaska Native Women hold just 0.4% of Master's STEM degrees.