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Dr. Monica L. Stigler

An ASU alum, Dr. Stigler earned her Doctorate of Philosophy in Education Policy and Evaluation from Arizona State University. At CGEST, she will be co-leading strategic efforts to translate the Women of Color in Computing Collaborative’s research for broader consumption and policy influence. Dr. Stigler embraces the collective impact model and has cultivated cross-sector partnerships to achieve measurable effects on issues such as long-term supportive housing for low-income families and gender equity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. She has also provided education data and policy guidance to the Legislature of Ohio. In addition to her new role at ASU, Dr. Stigler serves as a Project Coordinator for the Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy at The Ohio State University and is also the Principal Public Administration Analyst at The Center for Civil Rights Remedies at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Dr. Nicol Turner-Lee

Visiting Scholar/Researcher

Nicol Turner-Lee is a Fellow in Governance Studies for the Center for Technology Innovation at the Brookings Institute in Washington, D.C. In her former role as Vice President and Chief Research and Policy Officer for MMTC, Turner-Lee designed and implemented a research and policy agenda that supported MMTC’s mission, and advocated for telecom and Internet policy reform through legislation, rulemaking, executive orders, public-private partnerships, and best practices. In 2011, she was appointed to the Federal Advisory Committee on Diversity in the Digital Age by former FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski of the Federal Communications Commission, where she chairs the subcommittee on the use of unlicensed devices to increase minority innovation and entrepreneurship. Nicol graduated with honors from Colgate University and has a doctorate in sociology from Northwestern University and a certificate in nonprofit management from the University of Illinois-Chicago.